How Long To Smoke Chicken Wings? – The Complete Guide For Every Smoking Temperature

How Long To Smoke Chicken Wings? - The Complete Guide For Every Smoking Temperature

Smoking chicken wings is an art that combines the right balance of temperature, time, and seasoning to create a mouth-watering delicacy. Understanding how long to smoke chicken wings at various temperatures is crucial because that is the only way to secure the perfect chicken every time. It is a popular cooking method that infuses the … Read more

Why Does My Raw Chicken Smell Bad? (Is It OK?)

Why Does My Raw Chicken Smell Bad? (Is It OK?)

Ever opened a package of chicken, only to be hit with an unexpected and unpleasant aroma? I have, and it’s an experience I won’t soon forget. It was a sunny Saturday, and I had planned to make a comforting chicken stew for dinner. As I began prepping, I tore open the plastic wrap of the … Read more

Coconut Shrimp With Tropical Rice: Experience the Caribbean at Home

Coconut Shrimp with Tropical Rice

Oh hey Monday, how are you doing? I’m back in full swing after my gorgeous vacation in Barbados. It was the perfect opportunity to relax my mind and take a break from all of the work that has been going on in the Food n’ Focus world since the start of the year. Our trip … Read more

The Breakfast Sandwich Maker Giveaway: Enter to Win


There’s something magical about weekends, isn’t there? The promise of leisure, the luxury of time, and the joy of indulging in things we love. For me, one of the highlights of the weekend is the breakfast. On weekdays, I’m all about practicality – a quick bowl of yogurt and fruit to fuel my day. It’s … Read more